Author: joypierce

Posted in #10 Totalitarian Martyrs

The Rape of Nanking

In the years immediately following WWII, the rest of the world was forced to come to terms with the horrors the Nazi regime inflicted on Jews and other European minorities during in the pursuit of their “Final Solution.” Images of…

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Posted in #8 Postcolonialism Starred Posts

Both Sides to the Arab-Israeli Coin

The end of World War II marked the end of an era in many ways but one of those ways was that this was effectively the end of large empires and distant colonies. One of the most famous examples of…

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Posted in #7 Holocaust & Homelands

The Question of Israel

Throughout my previous blogs, I have spent a lot of time examining various ways in which WWII acted as a destructive force. From the physical destruction of landscapes and people, to the more abstract constructions of identity and labor relations,…

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Posted in #6 Labor

Do Your Part

Along with all the other crises immediately following WWII, the issue of labor rose to the forefront of these discussions of resettlement and economic growth. The photo that I chose is of refugees working in a shoe factory. The way … Continue reading

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Posted in #5 Reconstruction

How Do We Rebuild?

Following the end of WWII, Europe was reeling from loss and destruction but one of the biggest problems Europeans faced together was the economic crisis brought on my years of conflict. While different political factions sought various solutions to reviving … Continue reading

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Posted in #3 Wages of Destruction

Aftermath of the Atom Bomb

When I think of the end of WWII, images of confetti raining from the sky and soldiers riding on floats in victory parades pops into my mind. However, for the people of Hiroshima, Japan their world lay in ruin. The Continue reading Aftermath of the Atom Bomb

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Posted in #2 Veterans

The Universal Experience of the WWII Veteran

As WWII was ending, nations were looking to rebuild their monuments and their economies, trying to regain some semblance of normalcy. However, for millions of men their lives would never be the same after serving as soldiers. The photo that Continue reading The Universal Experience of the WWII Veteran

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Posted in #1 Displaced Persons

Displaced Persons

The reason that I chose this photo is because it exemplifies the role of children in the years immediately following the war and how they fit into the national versus international debate. As the caption states, this photo is from one of the Displaced Persons camps established after the war in which children would go …

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Posted in #0 Introduction


My name is Joy Pierce and I’m a Sophomore History major here at Virginia Tech. After graduation, I plan to attend graduate school to ultimately pursue a career in Public History, specifically as a museum curator. My favorite historical periods to study are the European Renaissance and WWII-era Europe. Some of the things that I …

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Posted in Uncategorized

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