Author: eabudu

Posted in #10 Totalitarian Martyrs

Something else left out our textbooks

Throughout our primary education we learn about history starting in elementary school with native Americans and Christopher Columbus to the Revolution followed by the Civil War, World War 1, World War 2 and ending with Bush being elected. In Middle school we learn more details about war and then Vietnam and Korea. By the time […]

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Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements

How Britain and France lost their colonial rule

Battle of El Alamein – World War II during the North Africa Campaign The colonial lands of both Britain and France had been fighting for independence for as long as the countries had owned them. The colonial people had to give up so much in life especially during world war and they wanted their freedom. […]

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Posted in #8 Postcolonialism

The Past, Present and Future of Palestine

Palestine past World War II is a tricky subject. Those who lived their all of a sudden had to deal with other groups of displaced Jews coming into their land and taking it for themselves because other governments claimed it was their right. When people started to move into that area it was not a […]

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Posted in #7 Holocaust & Homelands

What to do do, what to do? What should we do with the Jews after WWII?

Zionist always had pushed for the creation of a new state for the Jewish People. After Hitlers final solution that lead to mass amounts of displaced Jewish persons it was time for nations around the world to ban together and find homes for the mass amounts of people. Solutions varied from keeping the Jews were […]

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Posted in #6 Labor

A post war racist world

After Wold War 2 every nation had to deal with racism and hatred for other genders. Countries were divided such as Pakistan and Israel and to this day is a big controversy. Because we are Americans we know of the racism that races such as African Americans, Jews and Asians had to endure but we […]

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Posted in #5 Reconstruction

America our Lord and Savior Post WW2

The United States Government after World War 2 was over glorified in the world. Everything the US did was publicized in the world and was worded in the favor of the US.  The USSR was painted in a bad light. However, the US was not as good as they stated. The United Government constructed a […]

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Posted in #4 Family of Man

An Open Letter to Those In Power After WW2

 This week I choose the meme of John Green finishing his open letter and a link to one of his videos on 1950 American History on Civil rights. My open letter is to those in After World War II because so many government officials that had the power to make not only their country but […]

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Posted in #3 Wages of Destruction

The Exploitative of Veterans and Soldiers

The United States government has one motive; protecting America at all cost. The picture above is a reminder that the government will shape things to their liking. That often means making the hardest decisions from dropping atomic bombs to giving drugs to soldiers. Afterwards to lessen the severity the government shapes the story. Media has […]

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Posted in #2 Veterans

A Not So Friendly Return Home

The very pleasant homecoming that our present day soldiers receive such as the picture posted above after finishing a tour is nothing like the homecoming World War 2 veterans received, not only in the US but in European Countries. Although parades were thrown the physical and psychological homecoming was not as welcoming. Post World War […]

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Posted in #1 Displaced Persons

In the best interest of whom?

This picture depicts children refugees from Poland that immigrated to Iran. Many children’s lives after World War 2 was like this because of the government.  Following the end war each government had their own reasons and ways on how to handle displaced peoples driven by their morals, and religion to protect all races, ethnicity and […]

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