Author: owhite3914

Posted in #10 Totalitarian Martyrs

A Conflicted History

The Nanking Massacre was the worst event against the Chinese during World War Two.  The death tolls go as high as 300,000 civilians, according to Chinese Sources.  There is significant evidence to back up what happened in Nanking yet there is still a strong debate that is taking place in Japan about the event.  There […]

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Posted in #8 Postcolonialism


  The Middle East was a turbulent place following the end of World War with the formation of new states in the area.  The most controversial of the states created was that of Israel because it took land form the Arab state of Palestine.  Israel took more land from Palestine through an attack after the […]

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Posted in #7 Holocaust & Homelands


The holocaust was a terrible event against the Jewish people in Europe and caused many to leave the continent.  There was a large zionist movement in Palestine when the persecution of the Jewish people in Germany began.  This movement continued to the postwar period and was focused around getting people to move to Palestine.  The […]

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Posted in #6 Labor

Redefining the Nation through labor

The years following the end of World War Two were hectic and led to the fall of  great Empires.  During this time countries like England had to deal with revolutions in colonies and the people moving back to England from these places.  During this time of decolonization England had a change in the way women […]

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Posted in #5 Reconstruction

Reconstructing a continent

All of Europe was left devastated by the effects of total war and were in desperate need of economic aid following World War Two.  The US provided aid to Europe through programs such as the Marshall plan, which in turn caused some reliance on the US for the European States.  There were initiatives taken up […]

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Posted in #4 Family of Man

Family of Man

World War Two was the war that spawned the Human Rights movement into what it is today.  The gross violations of Human Rights committed by the Nazi’s before and during the war sparked the flame behind this movement.  This movement also led to the influential Family of Man photo gallery which show cased human rights […]

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Posted in #3 Wages of Destruction

New Technology, More Destruction

World War 2 was a total war that was the most destructive war in Human history.  The creation of new weapons like the atomic bomb and long range bombers using fire bombs caused this destruction.  Japan saw the use of these weapons against them the most, in the atomic bombs case the only time.  This […]

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Posted in #2 Veterans

Veterans overlooked

The veterans of World War II were some of the most venerated people following the end of the war but the most overlooked after the celebrations.  These soldiers in many countries were overlooked when compensation for their services came about, especially in areas like Australia and the Soviet Union according to Martin Crotty and Mark […]

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Posted in #1 Displaced Persons

Displaced Europeans

Wars have always been a cause of massive displacement among people, none more so than World War II.  Europe had many people who were displaced due to repatriation efforts started by Germany during the war.  This was a reason for the problem that followed the war with the repatriation efforts started by the US and … Continue reading

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Posted in #1 Displaced Persons

Displaced Europeans

Wars have always been a cause of massive displacement among people, none more so than World War II.  Europe had many people who were displaced…

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