Author: mdegliobizzi

Posted in #10 Totalitarian Martyrs

The Forgotten Massacre

When thinking about massacres that occurred during the Second World War, most people immediately think of the Holocaust as the most evil act committed by the Axis powers. However, in 1937, the Japanese army committed one of the greatest atrocities … Continue reading

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Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements

Decolonization and its Aftermath

World War II was a war that truly did affect all parts of the globe. From the United States to Indochina, it is difficult to argue that any one country was not affected by the war in one way or … Continue reading

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Posted in #8 Postcolonialism Starred Posts

The Unsolved Arab Problem

When understanding the ramifications of the Second World War, it must be understood that the surrender of Japan did not mark the end of difficulties across the globe. For instance, the war brought about a level of human displacement throughout … Continue reading

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Posted in #4 Family of Man

The Family of Man

In January of the year 1955, an ambitious exhibit was displayed in New York Museum of Modern Arts. Titled The Family of Man, the exhibit was curated by Edward Steichen and displayed photographs taken by over two hundred photographers from … Continue reading

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Posted in Uncategorized

Recovering from the Atomic Blasts

As the Second World War came to a close, the Allies were faced with a very difficult decision. Having already won the won in Europe, the Allies, but primarily the United States, had to decide whether invade the island of … Continue reading

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Posted in #3 Wages of Destruction

Recovering from the Atomic Blasts

As the Second World War came to a close, the Allies were faced with a very difficult decision. Having already won the won in Europe,…

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Posted in #2 Veterans

Honey, I’m Home!

Following World War II, hundreds of thousands of men rushed home from the European or Pacific theaters to the waiting arms of wives, children, or other family members. However, many of the men who returned were not the same men … Continue reading

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Posted in #1 Displaced Persons

Displacement Following World War II

Following the Second World War, Europe was in shambles. Major cities were destroyed, economies were degraded, and millions of people were either dead or displaced. Ironically, however, the German population had actually grown by the time the war was over … Continue reading

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Posted in Uncategorized

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