Author: dovi82

Posted in #10 Totalitarian Martyrs

Nanjing Massacre: Fact or Fiction

The articles and video provided to us discussed the Japanese assault on Nanjing.  During the late 1930’s, Japan started to invade China, they had set their sights on Nanjing.  Nanjing was the capital of China until the government moved the capital more inland from the Japanese.  When the Japanese reached Nanjing there appears to be … Continue reading “Nanjing Massacre: Fact or Fiction”

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Posted in #10 Totalitarian Martyrs

War: Countries Together Win Wars

Since the Revolutionary War, African American soldiers were able to fight the enemies of America as lower enlisted soldiers.  During the Civil War, African soldiers were able to form their own companies under caucasian command, however, they were able to rise higher in rank then previously.  In World War II African American soldiers were able … Continue reading “War: Countries Together Win Wars”

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Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements

Do the Rights Follow the Flag?

Following World War II many colonial powers lost their footing in their colonies across the globe.  The nations who lost the most were France and Britain.  After WWII many of the nations realized their abilities and resources were spread way too thin and as result they had two options.  Option one, they exit the country … Continue reading “Do the Rights Follow the Flag?”

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Posted in #8 Postcolonialism

The Displaced Displaced Others

This is probably one of the best set ups for a reading.  The two main readings involved the perspective of the Palestinians who were being pushed out of their home to make way for the Zionists, or in 1948 better know as the Israelis.  The other reading however is a critique of the exodus of … Continue reading “The Displaced Displaced Others”

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Posted in #5 Reconstruction

Government, Economy, and Logistics of the Post War Period

The articles that we read this week were in my opinion divided into three separate categories.  The first reading, Outline of a Doctrine Of French Policy by Alexander Kojève, primary discussed government policies of the post war nations (primarily France).  The second article, The Consumer-Citizen, discussed the economic side of post war Europe and how certain citizens … Continue reading “Government, Economy, and Logistics of the Post War Period”

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Posted in #4 Family of Man

The Universal Human Rights Movement?

The readings and images that were provided to us had a common theme of World Wide Human Rights.  These human rights were aimed to benefit everyone, but more the minority.  The Family of Men was a series of pictures taken from over 200 photographers displaying the element so humanity.  Fred Turner stated  “The Family of Man’s middlebrow … Continue reading “The Universal Human Rights Movement?”

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Posted in #3 Wages of Destruction

Different Rehabilitation Views

When discussing the rehabilitation of individuals two articles come in mind, one discusses a specific group of individuals from Japan while the other discusses the rehabilitation issues on the American home front.  In David Serlin’s “Reconstructing the Hiroshima Maidens” he discusses how several woman who were affected by the atomic bomb had a chance to … Continue reading “Different Rehabilitation Views”

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Posted in Uncategorized

Veterans Blog (Seminar Leadership)

1) A common theme was the disgrace and shame the German soldiers received. Collin R. wrote “duty and honor are forever tainted” when referring to the general attitude towards the German army still today.  My question is why?  Because they lost or because they are synonymous with the holocaust? Thinking Points: Not every German Soldier … Continue reading “Veterans Blog (Seminar Leadership)”

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Posted in #2 Veterans

Veterans… or not so much?

Following the V-Day the Russians portray their country as making a miraculous transition from war to demobilization, however thats not the truth.  The Russian government went through a drastic propaganda campaign to show how well Communism was able to transition, in doing so they made the Western Nations look inferior.  The truth however is far … Continue reading “Veterans… or not so much?”

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Posted in #1 Displaced Persons

Displaced Persons

When discussing World War II many people associate the post war period with the Marshal Plan and as an economical recovery however that is only one part of the post war recovery period.  Another major controversial part of the post war recovery was dealing with displaced children. Children have been displaced since their was a … Continue reading “Displaced Persons”

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