Category: #2 Veterans

Posted in #2 Veterans

Veterans of The Second World War

Demobilization and returning to normal civil society was a challenge for all nations that took part in World War II. All disabled soldiers had to face differing interpersonal conflicts, as they suffered from societal prejudice on returning to their homes. The Soviet Union used extensive propaganda to depict a glorious return of its soldiers to work inContinue reading “Veterans of The Second World War”

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Posted in #2 Veterans


The state of mind and body in which veterans were left after WWII was intense for all involved.  The duty of the state to rehabilitate these individuals and integrate them back into a normal way of living was great.   The themes between these readings stand clear with a sense of disability as well as stigmatization …

Posted in #2 Veterans

Troubled Homecoming

This work was painted in 1957 by French painter Guy de Montlaur. He was a resistance fighter and was at Normandy in 1944. He was also wounded in combat at Walcheren. This painting’s title, Fue (Fire), references his wartime experiences. Montlaur’s paintings after the war offered an outlet to express the trauma of war and …

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Posted in #2 Veterans

What Comes Next?

After suffering through the devastating and destructive horror that was the Second World War, those men who had been fighting were shipped back to their home countries, where there were a variety of different outcomes for those veterans. Depending on several factors, unfortunately the main ones being race and disability. The readings from Robert Jefferson,Continue reading “What Comes Next?”

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Posted in #2 Veterans

The Slap Heard Round the World

In July and August of 1943, General George S. Patton slapped two soldiers in Sicilian military hospitals after accusing them of cowardice. Although Patton later apologized, this incident exposed many military leaders’ belief that psychiatric casualties were not legitimate. Until … Continue reading

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Posted in #2 Veterans

Those That Returned

It is no doubt to anyone that soldiers leave part of themselves behind during combat. Whether it be mentally or physically, every soldier who sees the horrors of combat loses a part of themselves that they may never be able to recover. First officially studied after World War One shellshock, later to be known as …

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Posted in #2 Veterans

Mental Health in a Post War Society

Viewing the treatment of PTSD in WW2 veterans through modern attitudes is disheartening. There was an overwhelming sense of blame and personal weakness put on the veterans. The early assumption was that men who came back from war affected had “underdeveloped egos” (100). This assumption plagued the decades following the war. It was twisted and …

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Posted in #2 Veterans

Veterans Return Home, but to a Different Home than they Left

“Мы из Берлина!” – “We are from Berlin!” This is a photograph of Soviet soldiers in Belarus in 1945 on their trip home from Germany.  It being 1945, the year World War II ended, it at first seems unsuspicious that Soviet soldiers would be on their way back to the Soviet Union.  However, as professor …

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Posted in #2 Veterans

Returning Home: Harsh Realities for Soldiers after the War.

After WWII ended, millions of soldiers’ time with their countries armed forces would come to an end and they would, hopefully, return home to their loved ones and try to resume normal lives. In an ideal world, this process would be supported by the government and society at each stop, making the reintegration of all …

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Posted in #2 Veterans

O Frabjous Day!: When They Return

The soldiers returning home was a call for great celebration. They had accomplished a great deal in dismantling the regimes that threatened the order of the world. The fascists were gone, and so was Imperial Japan. The destruction provided the … Continue reading

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