Author: carolinemanatee

Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements

Imperial Displacement

Most discussions of post-WWII are about its effects on Europe but we never really touch on what happened to Africa postwar. I know that battles were fought in Africa in Libya and Egypt but I had never thought about what the lingering effects were on the region. Not just Libya and Egypt were affected but […]

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Posted in #6 Labor

Labor of Displaced Persons after WWII

After World War Two there was a population dilemma. Many people were living in countries that did not want them (for racial, ethnic, or political reasons) or that they had been forced to relocate to because their country did not want them. The countries that these “displaced persons” were living in, were the most hard […]

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Posted in #5 Reconstruction

Europe’s Postwar Reconstruction

Even while World War Two raged on people had hope of the rebuilding that would occur afterwards and the renaissance of standards of living that would occur. In the United Kingdom, Sir William Beveridge, published his plan for the rebirth of British society called the Beveridge Plan. The Beveridge Plan proposed a national health service, […]

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Posted in #4 Family of Man

The “Family of Man”

After World War II which had been preceded by the First World War, the “World” was ready to take a break from hostility. In the postwar period the United Nations was used to create the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948 to prevent ethnic squabbles such as the ones that caused the war. […]

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Posted in #3 Wages of Destruction

Wages of Destruction

Two articles, one “Reconstructing the Hiroshima Maidens” by David Serlin and “Reconstructing the Perpetrator’s Soul by Reconstructing the Victim’s Body: The Portrayal of the ‘Hiroshima Maidens’ by the Mainstream Media in the United States” by Robert Jacobs discuss the same subject, the Hiroshima Maidens, women who survived the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima by the US […]

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Posted in #2 Veterans


What does Veterans’ Day mean to you? For most just a day off school or work and sales at the mall. This is the main problem with the concept of “veterans,” what benefits we should give them and whether they are worth the special benefits and reverence. After World War II, thousands of men who […]

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Posted in #1 Displaced Persons

#1 Displaced Persons

        Home. It is such a important concept of the human experience. Sure some people can exist as nomads but for the the majority of us we need a place to call our own. After the extremely divisive political conflicts of World War II many people did not ideologically belong anymore to […]

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Posted in Uncategorized


Hi I’m Caroline Freeman! First, I’d like to apologize for the name of this blog, I’m prone to bad puns/dad jokes. I’m a junior history major from Ashburn, VA. When I’m at Tech I enjoy doing things with my sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma and the Hillel (Jewish organization). I also love my dog back home […]

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