Author: Annie Wilkinson

Posted in #10 Totalitarian Martyrs

Everything is Not What It Seems

To American’s World War II began on December 7th, 1941, when the Japanese army bombed Pearl Harbor, forcing us to end our stage of isolation. For the rest of the world, World War II began for them at several different times, and for the Chinese and Japanese, World War II was called the Sino-Japanese War. […]

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Posted in #8 Postcolonialism

From the Eye of the Beholder

After World War II, Europe and its people were damaged. As we’ve discussed millions of people were displaced from their homes and their countries. Many left defenseless, homeless and some left for dead. The United Nations and many other worldwide organizations worked hard, and sometimes not efficiently to help these people find a place to […]

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Posted in #7 Holocaust & Homelands

Zionist’s Together

Before World War Two, and before the devastation of the Holocaust, the British ruled the land of Palestine, and in 1933 The Haarava Agreement was signed between Palestine and Nazi Germany where a treaty was signed that allowed this land to be the National Jewish Home. Because of the war, and Britain’s hateful relationship with […]

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Posted in #6 Labor

Race in England

In the early to mid 1900’s England was moving day by day, living their daily lives, and doing daily ordinary things. In Chris Waters article, “Dark Strangers”, he genuinely portrays blacks as being strangers to the British culture. He talks about the severe anxiety that the British had due to the idea of blacks joining into […]

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Posted in #3 Wages of Destruction

Saving the Maidens

After World War Two, the entire world was zooming in different directions. Millions of people were still suffering. Millions of other people were celebrating. And millions of people were dead due to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Soldiers returned home suffering from physical injuries, and mental ones, injuries that couldn’t be seen but that […]

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Posted in #2 Veterans

War Veterans

Post War Blog 2 In Jarvis’s article If He Comes Home Nervous, Jarvis gives us examples of how psychiatric help was just beginning to be…

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Posted in #1 Displaced Persons

Displaced People

In history, we learn about the horrors of war. We learned in middle school and high school about the Holocaust and other genocides that have…

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Posted in Uncategorized

Biography of ME!

Hi guys! My name is Annie Wilkinson, I’m a junior here at Virginia Tech and a history major. I’m from a teeny, tiny town called Bluefield, Virginia, that’s about an hour from here. I’m 20 years old and I’m a member of Chi Omega. I studied abroad this summer in London and I miss it … Continue reading “Biography of ME!”

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Posted in Uncategorized

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