Month: October 2016

Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements Starred Posts

Modernization is not Westernization

  Modernization describes the transition from traditional to modern societies. These modern societies are associated with urbanisation and industrialization. Westernization refers to the adoption of “Western” values in areas like cultural choices, industry, and economics. By demanding full participation in legislation and more social equality while modernizing, African nations refused to fully Westernize and forgo their cultural…

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Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements Starred Posts

Extreme Measures

In the aftermath of World War Two, European empires began to find their global authority challenged in new ways. This led to the creation of the state of India in 1947, after Indian nationals peacefully wrested control from the British. However, not all colonies were able to make the transition into nation-state without war. France […]

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Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements

Do the Rights Follow the Flag?

Following World War II many colonial powers lost their footing in their colonies across the globe.  The nations who lost the most were France and Britain.  After WWII many of the nations realized their abilities and resources were spread way too thin and as result they had two options.  Option one, they exit the country … Continue reading “Do the Rights Follow the Flag?”

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Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements

Decolonization and its Aftermath

World War II was a war that truly did affect all parts of the globe. From the United States to Indochina, it is difficult to argue that any one country was not affected by the war in one way or … Continue reading

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Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements

The Collapse of Colonialism

With World War Two coming to an end, states occupied by foreign powers were once again granted their independence. As with the aftermath of the first world war, World War Two saw the formal recognition of new states – such … Continue reading

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Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements Starred Posts

The Cleansing of Algeria

From 1954 to 1962, Algerians fought for independence from French imperialism. During this time, France fought to continue its control over Algeria, as well as to pursue its agenda of performing a cleanse over its country and Algeria. This cleanse was to create a new standard of hygiene amongst French citizens, because as Kristin Ross […]

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Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements

Imperial Conquest v. National Cause

Efforts for Algerian independence started as early as World War I, but did not culminate into actions on behalf of the French or Algerians until 1954. On November 1st in that year, the National Liberation Front (FLN) proclaimed solidified efforts towards freedom from French rule. In this proclamation, the Algerian people are addressed and called […]

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Posted in #9 Imperial Displacements

France Loses all of its Land

Ideological change was a major component of the change of the world after World War Two as nations became states and empires fell, rotting out from within.  This was a change that could have taken place after World War One, Continue reading France Loses all of its Land

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Posted in #8 Postcolonialism

The Homecoming They Never Got

The creation of the state of Israel in 1948 seemed like a sanctuary for displaced Jews, from European countries, who were fleeing the Nazis and the anti-Jewish sentiment in Europe. Ben-Gurion, who was head of the Jewish Agency, helped found the state of Israel for this purpose. The displaced Jews came to Palestine in the […]

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Posted in #8 Postcolonialism


In 1948, following the conclusion of the Second World War and the ensuing years of displacement suffered by the Jewish peoples of Europe,  the remaining Ashkenazim people finally united and pushed forward to make the dream of Zion a reality.  With the help of such Allies as Great Britain, who currently held Palestine as a…

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